Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Blessings of 2010

Today is my birthday and I feel very blessed. The weather was wonderful, which is one of the very best gifts I can receive. It just gives the day a little sparkle!  

I am very grateful to be 49 years old, especially since it is not time for me to be 50 years old. I get a whole other year until then! I am normally pretty ditsy about knowing how old I am or, for that matter, knowing just about anyone's age, even that of my kids. Most of the time it just doesn't seem important. It is just lovely to be alive! 

Twice in my life I have lived like I was a year older, only to figure out on my birthday that I had been wrong all year! This happened when I was 39 years old, so all year I thought I was 40! I was sad when I found out, because I could have been celebrating the 39th year of my birth! I had celebrated 40 twice!

So this time I am going to celebrate every day that I am 49 years old and not 50!!

Today, I want to thank God publically for giving me such special people in my life. I feel so very blessed. This past year has been another year of change, but in 2010 nothing was taken away, but special new things were added to my life:
another daughter-in-law
Lauren Noel

and my first grandchild
Micah David

we had another son, and daughter-in-law graduate from college
Jed and Lauren 

All this and cancer-free, too!


  1. Happy Birthday/week/year!!!!!

  2. You ARE SO blessed, it is absolutely wonderful! Happy 49th Birthday for 364 more days!

  3. and quite the beautiful 49 year old at that

  4. happy birthday! I never know how old I am either! You are very blessed!!

  5. HOpe you had a great Birthday. I forget my age too. I have thought I was older and once I told someone I was 21. Oh well. I am with you it doesn't matter. I have too many little ones b-days to try to get right :) and that's a good thing
    how do you get all those buterflies to land on you? you must be sweet
