Monday, August 12, 2013

Road Trip and Conference with Sarah

Yes, I went to a Joyce Meyer conference. Do not panic. I realize this might seem strange or troublesome to the people in my life, but do not worry! I am not being carried away by false doctrine.

The conference was close, free, we have family in the area, and my daughter-in-law asked me to go. Orginally, it was meant to be a Rieke girls get away, but Lauren ended up having to work and couldn't go with us. We definitely missed Lauren making memories with us, but we are making plans to go to a different conference soon!

This trip was an answer to prayer for Sarah. You will really want to read about why this was special to Sarah here on her blog Life and Grace.

We had a lovely, busy and fun girl time! Sacha and Julie Porter (Lauren's parents) let us stay at their house in York, Pa, which is about 50 minutes away from Hershey's Giant Center.  They are such gracious and sweet people that they would have a booming business if they opened up a bed & breakfast. I love staying at their house!

Each day we got to have a special treat at Starbucks for free, because I had a gift card! Yay! And we went to Panera for lunch on Saturday for free, which by the way is one of Sarah's favorite places to eat! Yay! And Sarah's grandparents joined us for lunch at Panera. Have I mentioned shopping? Oh yes, we managed to squeeze that into our schedule! Actually, we had a few much needed items, and we found what we needed and nothing more... Well, maybe $5.00 more. We each bought a necklace
on sale.
 There was lots of girl talk, great music and a convicting sermon on contentment. My favorite part of the whole trip was talking with Sarah the whole way up and back (12 plus hours of driving.)

Joyce's sermon on Saturday morning on contentment was very good. I thorougly enjoyed it. (However ironic it may be that a multi-millionaire with no particular worries and living large is telling us to be content, her personal circumstances don't make the message any less true.) She made some points that I really haven't thought about. I took notes, and I intend to meditate on these Scriptures some more.

But please understand that I totally disagree with the health and prosperity, name-it-and-claim-it gospel, and Joyce Meyer's stand on the Charismatic Movement.  There is a really good article along these lines by the Church is Messy blog. I am so happy that Rick wrote this, because it seems very well documented and put together. The article is called Why I Called Out Joel Olsteen and Joyce Meyer. Because these teachings are often so subtle and confusing, I believe you should read his article. He also includes a video of John Piper explaining what the prosperity gospel is and why it is so "sinister," which I have included here for you to view.

Rick (Church is Messy) summed it up for me by saying, "If my wife or if one of my daughters went to her in a moment of crisis, I believe they would return with magnificently helpful advice.  If they went to her for teaching, they would return with deadly heresy."

All in all, it was a great weekend. Lots of truths to meditate on, and lots of good memories were made.

What has been your favorite conference or concert that you have gone to?

P. S.
I do not enjoy publically disagreeing with other christians in this way. In fact, I am adding this to my blog post after I already posted it. I didn't sleep well last night, because it is all troubling to my soul. I do not take this lightly. But in my position as a pastor's wife, I felt it was necessary so I would not lead people the wrong direction.

Most sincerely His servant,


  1. is it bad that I have never even heard of Joyce Meyer? :-/ So glad you could take some good away from it, and have a wonderful weekend away together! How refreshing!

  2. We LOVED having both of you - and know that you are welcome always! :)

  3. Hi miss Teresa,

    I read your comment at Ricks Church is Messy blog and felt lead to come here and leave you the best learning resources on the Word of Faith movement I have gathered in 5 years of posting and writing on the WoF. I run a groupblog of ex-Wofers and have made over 500 post and these will be very helpful to anyone who wants more information since as Rick admits his article only scratches the surface.

    Firstly many of those who are influenced by Joyce will say she is not part of the Word of Faith Movement. That is because she speaks and writes on dozens of topics and rarely teaches WoF distinctive anymore. Here is a 30 minute video where Tim Martin of Watchman Fellowship looks at Joyces teachings to show she does indeed, although not all the time, teaching Word of Faith distinctiveness/heresy.

    Is Joyce Meyers a Word of Faith teacher?

    This next one is 11 videos about 30 minutes each. It is long but easier than buying and reading the dozens of books that have been written refuting the WoF doctrine.

    The Best Refutation ever of the Word of Faith Teaching.

    Tim does a great job and is very peaceable in his tone. But he does not touch on the more outrageous things that Joyce and other WoF teachers have taught. I would suggest Tims video to anyone who have any kind of affinity for Meyers. But for someone who does not like her, or know her, I would suggest Justin Peters video seminar called A CALL TO DISCERNMENT. It is 4 1/2 hours long but again worth the time of someone wants to know the basic and outlandish heresies that drive the WoF teaching.


    And we have over 50 testimonies of Ex-Wofers here.


    I hope these help someone since your visit to Joyce's conference might peak someones interest in her and the Word of Faith Movement.

    Have a Blessed week sister,

    Damon Whitsell
    THE WORD on the Word of Faith

  4. Girl time with the fav's is a wonderful treat. I'm glad you got to indulge in some of life's finest refreshment.
    It's good to throw a little Joyce in with it, she's a hoot!

  5. As a Newbie, I am permanently browsing online for articles that can help me. Thank you
